Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Tiba2 aja aku keingetan sama blog ku ini..yg udah jadul bgt..tp praise God masi aktif...hehe
kira2 hampir 2 thn ya aku puasa ngisi blog ini...many things happened in my life! and really changed me alot..of course becoming a better person :) i got married with someone i relly love and also love me, having a dream wedding.., new family, le iving in gafing..omg so far away frim kedoya! but i get use to it mow ...and paling mengejutkan...aku sekarang sedang hamil 36minggu.. another 3-4 weeks to see my baby boy! but smp skrg belon dpt nama ni utk baby..hexhehe.. my life is so womderful, having a great wonderful supporting husband is an amazing things for me..and i love him so much.. i belive, our baby boy will bring us alot of blessings, joy and happiness more in our family... and importantly...thank you to my dear Jesus for all things that hPpened in my life! its a miracle!!! i love You, Daddy,... nithoi'2011 posted by anitahartono at 7:59 PM |