Saturday, March 17, 2007
Heart Attacks and drinking warm water....
This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about heart attacks. This makes sense.. the Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals...not cold water...maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain... For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However,the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal. A serious note about heart attacks: You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive... Guys...after all this..i realized that taking care of yourself is very important.. jangan makan dan minum semau2nya... sebenernya menurutku semuanya boleh dimakan..asal jangan berlebihan.. harus seimbang..dan banyakin makanan2 sehat..seperti sayur..susu dan buah2an... FYI yang paling berbahaya menurutku tuh kencing manis...alias diabetes.. kemarin ini pas papi dirawat di HD unit..mami cerita..katanya ranjang seberang papi itu tadinya sehat bugar..terus karena suatu hal...tiba2 dia jadi parkinson..padahal baru 50 lebih umurnya.. sampe istrinya nangis2... yah karena kencing manis..sampe tangan dan lehernya harus di kunci..seperti orang sakit jiwa..kalo ngga keep on shaking..kasihan banget deh ngeliatnya.. nah kalo dah begitu..yang paling kesian siapa coba?? istrinya kann?? makanya kalo nga mau liat orang2 yang kamu sayang menderita...please take care of yourself... Aku jg udah mulai menyadari pentingnya minum susu...makan makanan sehat..olah raga.. DO NOT SMOKE! DO NOT DRINK OFTEN! DO NOT EAT LIKE HELL...haha.. ini nasehat serius dari dokter cinta + Gizi nih... ;p buekkk..hahaha... Anyway..papi udah pulang kemarin...senangnya... tapi papi masih manja nih...dikasi makan susah banget..padahal dah dibeliin ayam penyet..dah dibeliin sayur campur2..hmhh maunya KFC doankkk..kan ga bolhe sering2 makan KFC..ntar kolesterol lagi..haduu nita sama mami ampe stress sendiri liat papi ga mo makan..gawat deh... Aduh Tuhan tolong kasih papi appetite makan ya.. nita sama mami dah mulai ga enak badan..kemaren saling ngerokin... kemaren jg nita MC..kepala pusing banget...dianter sama ian ke dokter..(thanks ian) terus pake di inject segala lagiihh..huhuhu... katanya kepala nita itu tense banget...dan mulai sekarang ga boleh liat yang terlalu terang2..harus pake kacamata item..haduh malu deh bakalan..masa di showroom pake kacamata item..huiks.. well gapapa deh untuk sementara dulu..daripada nih mata rusak..huiks Anyway..thanks ya temen2 buat dukungan doa nya..dan moril nya..papi dah bisa pulang.. doain ya biar papi mau makan..dan kesehatan kami semua bisa membaik lagi...ngga sakit2an massal begini..hehehe makasih frensss....luph u all... NIthoiii posted by anitahartono at 10:17 AM |
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Papi di masukkan ke High Dependency Unit... 2 hari yang lalu papi tiba2 sms nita jem 12 malem..seharusnya kemarin papi udah boleh keluar..namun tiba2 malem2 papi sms..katanya suru hubungin Dr Tan, papi sakit kepala dan gatal2...udah gak tahan. aku lagi bingung..kok tiba2 begitu...sebelomnya pas nita sama mami terakhir tinggalin masih dalam kondisi yang baik kok... lalu aku telpon ke kamar Papi...papi bilang udah panggil suster ngga ada yang dateng udah 20 menit..langsung nita telp RS ke lantai 7nya ...dan marahin susternya!!!! akhirnya susternya langsung lari ke kamar papi...dan nita sama mami langsung pake taksi dari rumah ...kerumah sakit malam itu..kira jam stgh 1 nita udah sampe di rumah sakit.. sesampainya di kamar papi..dah banyak suster, dokter dan alat2 yang entah apa namanya... ternyata..papi kehabisan darah dan sempat black out selama 10 menit..untung langsung dokter datang untuk dikasih oksigen dan disuntik liquid..apa gitu namanya.. Puji Tuhan papi udah lumayan stabil sekarang... Nita...bersyukur dalam segala hal..maka Tuhan yang akan mencukupkan segala sesuatu yang kamu butuhkan... Meski hati ini sakit melihat muka papi yang pucat...di suntik banyak selang..dimasukin darah 3 kantong...yah aku harus tetap kuat..kuat bersama Tuhan.. Aku ga boleh roboh...dan aku akan terus berdoa.. Papi cepat sembuh yah...mommy, ko rey, ko anton, and you and miss your cheerful face!!! Luph u pi, nita posted by anitahartono at 11:51 AM |
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Operasi papi...Part 2.. Hiks...karena tulang papi retak di bagian dekat dengkul..papi terpaksa harus menjalani operasi lagi..ini kali ke2... Jumat malem aku jemput papi mami di changi airport..mereka baru sampe jem stgh 2 pagi...cape..bercampur ngantuk...campur dingin..dan pegel karena kelamaan nunggu..luluh begitu melihat papi ku di kursi roda..dan mami yang ngangkat2 koper..dibantuin 1 abeng2... Muka papi kelihatan kurus sekali...dan cape..terus badannya juga jadi bungkuk...dan keningnya mengkerut karena menahan sakit... Kasihan papi...pikirku..aku ngga boleh sedih ataupun meneteskan air mata lagi.. aku harus menjadi kuat untuk papi dan mami... kalo aku lemah..siapa lagi yang bisa mensupport dan menyemangati mereka.. entah mengapa..di hati ini Tuhan berikan aku ketenangan... Tuhan bilang, " Tenang...Aku tahu apa yang Aku lakukan..." dan sejak saat itu..aku pun percaya penuh kepada Tuhan.. Meski harus nambah uang lagi sekitar 6k...aku percaya Tuhan akan persiapkan Uangnya.. karena sampai saat ini pun aku bisa bernafas..aku bisa hidup..itu semua adalah karunia dan berkat dari Tuhan..sama sekali bukan karena kuat gagah ku. Aku percaya...Tuhanku itu Omnipresent, Omniscient, dan bisa melakukan segalanya..bagi orang2 yang berserah, percaya dan mengasihi Dia... Aku selalu pegang janjiNya di Roma 8:28 Malam itu papi sudah bilang, " Nit, papi udah puasa..besok mau operasi yah...papi udah ngga tahan lagi..sakit sekali..." ternyata skrup untuk mengunci besi hasil operasi total Knee replacement februari lalu itu keluar setengahnya dari tulang kaki papi...karena tulang kaki papi retak. Sebenernya ini bukan kesalahan dokter..since kalo ga di operasi waktu itu pun..papi udah ga akan bisa jalan karena harus suffering akibat tulang dengkulnya yang udah nempel.. so..actually no choice dhe..harus di ganti dengkulnya waktu itu.. Then...hari sabtunya..aku dan mami membawa papi ke SGH untuk ketemu Dr. Andrew Tan yang dulu operasi papi... setelah dilihat hasil Xray nya...ternyata benar..bahwa papi harus di operasi lagi... Aku tak terlalu terkejut dengan pernyataannya..karena kira2 aku udah tau dan emang aku juga udah bertekad...apapun akan kami lakukan..agar papi ngga kesakitan lagi.. pas di taksi..papi bilang..., "nit papi ngga mau pulang sebelum di operasi..udah ngga tahan lagi...", sambil menitikkan air mata..mami jadi ikut2an sedih dan stress... aku berkata dalam hati..Ya tuhan berikan aku kekuatan supaya aku ngga ikutan sedih apalagi nangis di depan papi..kasihan papi nanti malah merasa dia menjadi beban...yang sebenernya sama sekali ngga,... aku cuman bilang, " ok pi..kita operasi hari ini..dont worry...just a minor operation..", kataku sok tahu... Padahal dalam hati galaunya bukan main... Tapi Puji Tuhan..nita bisa menahan buih2 air mata yang udah di ujung tanduk...dan start couple of jokes with them... Sampai di rumah sakit..udah ada Ko remon yang nungguin kami...dan kami pun melaju ke klinik nya... Luckily...dokternya punya slot untuk melakukan operasi siang itu jg.. papi udah ngga makan dari hari sebelomnya...udah siap mo di operasi.. dokternya pun siap untuk operasi papi karena kasihan banget liat papi udah ngga tahan lagi...thanks Dr Tan.. =) Operasi pun dilakukan sekitar jem 2 siang itu..Nita dan mami nunggu selama 3 jam...sampai operasi selesai..kami berdoa..semoga semuanya bisa berjalan lancar dan papi bisa sehat dan cheerful lagi kaya dulu...hehehe.. akhirnya operasi pun selesai...nita lihat papi..masih mengerutkan keningnya.. mungkin masih sakit karena habis operasi...dan kami pun terus berdoa... sampai hari ini..keadaan papi udah membaik..udah bisa bercanda..udah bisa ketawa..dan senyum2.. bisa jodoh2 in orang pula...hahaha...its like normal papi lah..;p selama 1 bulan penuh papi harus di wheelchair..dan ngga boleh jalan sama sekali.. Teman2 tolong doakan yah..semoga papi cepat sembuh..dan bisa jalan lagi..hehehe Makasih buat: Kenny, Onecang, Fanie, Anne, Shirley, Sugi, Sen2, Ko Hengki, C Stella, C lina, Caca, Ko Dedi, dan C julyana..untuk anggurnya...dan visitnya.. pokoknya im glad that we still have friends around us yang care banget seperti kalian... makasih oikos UIC ku tersayang...i miss to gather with u all... attached is poto papi dengan gaya nya yang khas..hehe.. dan ini papi lagi begaya...pake kacamata segala..hehehe btw: papi keliatan mudaan yah...rahasianya?? karena mami pakein creme moisturizer dan anti keriput dari NUSKIN~!!!! hahahaa....tapi beneran beda lhooo...!!! (jadi promosi..) (^0^)v Abis kalo dulu papi kalo mo dipakein obat muka suka kabur2an terus sih..katanya kaya cowo genit..tapi sekarang lagi terbaring..mau ga mau deh dipakein mami no comment..hahah.. back to work!!!!! noti nita...haha.. GBU all..have a nice deyyyy.... Muach! posted by anitahartono at 3:13 PM |
Monday, March 05, 2007
Very Interesting and encouraging reviews from Mr. Patrick Chong... Dear forummers, So far, I have not seen any meaningful comparison of the 159 and the 320i from a Singaporean car buyer perspective. Here is an attempt. As a keen observer of these 2 marques, here's just some personal assessment of the 2 brands. Will not be going through blow by blow the technical specs as I think high engine/chassis spec should be a given for these 2 cars. Moreover, such comparisons have been performed to death by most of the car mags already. Rather, I will be assessing the 2 cars based on what an ordinary Singapore car buyer will go for - factors appealing to the mind (practicality and economics) and the heart (factors that will make your heart skip a beat). The assessment is based on my test-drives, internet research, as well as talking to existing Alfa and BMW owners. My purpose here is to generate awareness for buyers contemplating these 2 marques, as well as for existing Bimmer and Alfa owners to add on to what may seem inaccurate or incomplete based on my amateur research. Alfa Romeo 159 2.2 Selespeed + good looks (perhaps the best in the 2-litre category) + nice interior (awesome leather quality, plus the option to have red leather; BMW's "maroon" leather looks bad, IMHO) + really fun to drive (the engine prods you on everytime, very addictive) + a 159 owner is one of the few (a rare breed) + sales rep are less obnoxious and more sincere + operating on a manual platform (no torque converter, more economical) + better audio (the blaupunkt is not bad) + sunroof option possible (probably cheaper to bring in too as Alfa is more niche, and hence distributor more willing to go that extra mile; as opposed to other brand distributors which bring in cars in volume, and hence will charge you a premium for special sunroof indent) + front wheel drive (the understeer is not too bad, and handling is just as great as a RWD; but more importantly, rear center passenger would get greater comfort due to a lower rear transmission tunnel) + night cabin atmosphere is the best in class (the red illumination is very very charming) + pricing is reasonable (given the strong euro, and considering that it is not assembled in South Africa or India) + after sales service is delightful (am told by existing 156 owners that servicing has improved a lot aft new mgt took over. was also told that the local distributor surprises its customers with gifts on their birthdays !! wow !!) - fuel consumption is still poor (considering the car is built on a manual platform; was told that the FC is 7.5 to 8.5 km/l for 50:50 urban/highway combi; can anyone confirm this. The above FC is based on a survey of 3 friends who drive a 156, so may not be accurate. SE that I talked to claimed 9-10 km/l. But as you know, SE's words gotta be taken with a pinch of salt too !!) - resale value is poor (due to a small market here and offshore, the depreciation kills) - spare parts are more expensive due to the low ownership volume - selespeed gearbox headache (was told by a 156 friend that his selespeed gearbox gave way in the middle of the road. there was nothing he could do, except to stay stranded) - when driving "auto" or D-mode, the gearbox noise is irritating, due to the sound of the actuator - selespeed really needs time to get used to (friends who drive Alfa confessed that it took them somewhere in between 3 weeks to a year to get used to the Selespeed, wow !!) - rear legroom is worse off than the 320i - audio system comes with only a single-disc front load (but thankfully, there is an option to upgrade) - stock tyre is quite noisy (was told that continental brands could be better) - slightly more road tax over the 320i (beos it is a 2.2) - reverse gear inconvenience (time delay is one, and the other being that it is harder to control; harder to control becos this is not a manual with a clutch, whereby you could otherwise use the clutch to slow the engine and guide the car into the parking lot. for auto-car drivers, this would also mean getting over our many years of laziness of just playing with the brake only when we reverse) - storage space is really minimal (with a token "cup-holder" that can only fit a small size Evian mineral water bottle) - car distributor is not doing enough in terms of publicity; while the most recent one being the Pierre Png advertisement (more publicity of the 159 is positive for brand image, and good for the Alfa community here) - AROC Forum is quite sedate (most postings are quite dated, I wonder why?) BMW E90 320i + better value protection + build quality is solid (door slam feel is the best in class !!) + FC is good (have been hearing at least 9km/l) + sound insulation is good despite the run-flat tyre noise + the best looking 3-series ever (in my opinion) + better storage space (both internal and bootspace) + run-flat tyre is a good innovation + rear transmission tunnel is low (space for center passenger) + overall bigger rear legroom as compared to the 159 + PML has a long track record of selling Bimmers (seen as a blue chip distributor and therefore it has great incentive to defend its reputation) + less road tax + car is idiot proof and easy to drive (meaning that other family members; eg wife, sister, younger brother can drive too => maximise utlility when you are travelling abroad) + side mirrors (somehow, I just like the shape of it, and the enhanced visibiity of these mirrors) + auto side mirror folding and cruise control now come as standard package - the audio is very poor (to-date, none of the SEs can tell me what the OEM system is, sigh !!) - car interior is really clinical (interior leather and back of front seat's pocket netting is not even part of the standard package, plus it is ugly) - sunroof option is a lot more expensive (sorry, I am a sunroof maniac ) - most sales people are more $$ oriented, than people oriented (they seemed hurried to close a sale, rather than trying to understand your needs) - after sales service has been at best been rated "so-so" by friends who are Bimmer owners - a 320i owner is one of the many - BMW owners most prob pay a higher margin to the sales channel Well, the above are written from a pragmatic Singaporean car buyer perspective. Really hope that by starting this thread, there could be more contributions from the rest of the forummers. Aduh...gara2 baca ini...jadi semangat kerja lagii... GAnbatee neee nithaaa!!! o(^0^)O posted by anitahartono at 11:18 AM |