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Anita Hartono
Bishan, Singapore..


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    Photo album

    Tuesday, February 27, 2007


    Friday, February 16, 2007

    Life is beautiful, when we have somebody to share...

    Life is nothing when you do everything by yourself, for yourself.
    Life is nothing when you never do a mistake
    Life is nothing when you have nobody to share what you have
    Life is nothing without fighting and arguing.

    When we argue, we will know someone better than before.
    When me share, we might have less thing than before,
    but we will have more joy in our heart that would never be replace by anything else in this world.
    When we say one thing is impossible, we just cursed ourself with it
    Move on, life is going on...

    There is nothing wrong with a token of smile
    There is nothing wrong with an ear to listen
    In fact there is nothing wrong to be quiet, sometimes...
    For some body who really needs you, just be there with a smile,

    Life is a learning stage, for you and I
    nobody is perfect, thats why forgiveness and a heart to understand is needed.
    Physical appearance is nothing without a good heart and character.

    Becareful of what we said,
    tounge..is very precious, yet very dangerous
    We can kill somebody by that, and we can bless somebody by our tounge too.
    Lets us talk good things, and throw d bad things.
    Encourage each other, with the good words from the heart.
    Be true..be yourself..and control...

    I learned about life alot these couple of days,
    when my daddy had his operation, i was so down and confuse.
    I know i should be strong, and dont let them see my tears even 1 drop. Its not about not being my self in front of them, but I know that I have to control my self, for the goodness of everybody.
    I was trying smile when my heart crying,
    I was trying to be strong when I was so tired and frustrated.
    Trying really hard..seeing my dad lying down in d hospital bed..is very painful for me.
    he never be this sick before..he doesnt want to eat, he doesnt want to drink. everytime he eat a little more..he will vommit...
    owh God, its killing me...hiks..
    But i never stop praying..I believe..He is listening to me and He will Heal my daddy...

    another thing...yesterday i went to Bishan house to take my parent's lugagge.
    then..main2 sama jojo...he was so cute and adorable...check this out!!!

    dan ini poto2 papi lagi di hospital...

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Terus pas kemarin di hosp...sempet jg ketemu temen..bekas anak perth jg..papanya operasi by pass jantung..aduh kasihan bener..padahal sebelumnya belum ada tanda2 apa2 tiba2 di vonis harus di operasi..

    Lalu nita jenguk dia ke ICU, dan liat2 pasien2 lain sambil mendoakan mereka..sedih bangettt...
    Kadang kalo meliat kesana..aku bener2 bersyukur kalau papi ga sampai masuk ICU..dan dikelilingi TV, tidur tidak berdaya begitu... Puji Tuhan banget deh..tuhan maish baik sama kita sekeluarga..dokternya jg baik dan perhatian sekali...kitabisa contact dia anytime..dia dont mind..Puji Tuhan bangettttt...Thanks Daddy...

    Well..akhirnya aku jadi sharing2 sama anaknya...inilah indahnya saling berbagi..saling cerita..dan saling mendoakan..

    Terimakasih Tuhan untuk segala yang terjadi...aku percaya..segalanya untuk kebaikan, karena kau turut campur tangan dalam segala hal untuk mendatangkan kebaikan bagi orang2 yang mengasihi Dia..
    I love you my Daddy...



    posted by anitahartono at 11:20 AM



    Thursday, February 08, 2007

    Operasi Papi..

    Ya Tuhan...jantungku berdebar keras...otak ku terus berpikir.
    rasanya sangat berat..
    meski papi akan melakukan operasi yang tidak membahayakan jiwanya..namun ini bukan minor operation...
    God..please protect him..and take care of him...
    Please cure him from any pain..and trauma...
    I might not know..and i might not understand how he feels..
    but i have to be strong...
    I cant be sad...I cant show them my tears..
    maybe the only time i can cry now is only when im with You...
    God, You are the only one who knows my deepest heart and burden..
    Please take them all..
    I want to surrender...I want to surrender...
    Lord..Im sorry that i have been far away from You...
    only look for you when im in need...
    Im really sorry for that..
    but...i know..its not happen 1 time only..it happened several times..
    and i still make U dissapointed...
    ohhh ....Bad nitha!!!!
    Please forgive me God..and be by my side again..

    Btw...aku jg ngucap Syukur banget..kalo TUhan kenalin nita sama Dr. Andrew Tan.
    Dia baik banget....dan helpful banget..dia membuat kami semua ngga terlalu kuatir..dan sangat detail menjelaskan apa yang sebenernya terjadi..dan apa yang harus kami lakukan dan persiapkan...
    dan Puji tuhan jg...aku dan keluargaku dikelilingi orang2 yang baik dan mengasihi kami..thanks for Ko reymond..thanks for Bie and Family, thanks for Mr. Ng, thanks for Dr Andrew, for everyone yang udah support kami...thanks alot..

    Aduh barusan si mami cerita..kalo sebelom ini si papi pernah kecelakaan 2 kali..ketabrak motor lah..ketimpa portal lah...aduh jadi tambah sedih....hiks..
    Kok pada ga bilang sih..nita baru tau..sampe kadang2..waktu nita kesel..nita perna omelin papi..hiks jadi merasa bersalah banget...
    aduh harus di treat extra baik2...deh...
    sorry yah papi ku chayanggg...huhuhu

    udah akh..dah banjir nehhh...
    nite everybody....
    Please pray for us..

    posted by anitahartono at 3:23 PM

