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Anita Hartono
Bishan, Singapore..


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    Photo album

    Friday, January 27, 2006

    Gong Xi...Gong xi..Gong Xi ni...

    Selamat Tahun baru Chinese everyonee!! bagi semua yang merayakannya..Happy chinese new year yachhh....

    Wahh terus terang sich bagi anak2 muda jaman sekarang...chinese new year isnt really important yach..paling ang pao nya ajah...
    Tapi ini tahun pertama ngerayain sincia di singapore..dimana orang2 indo pada pulang..sebagian besar..bela2in mau chinese new year-an di Jakarta or di kota asalnya...

    Onecangku ke tanjung pinang...
    Kenny, Ko hen, caca, ci eve, Sherly, ci susi, dan semua2 bakalan ke jkt..
    Huaahh...banyak amat yang pegi..singapore jadi sepi orang indo dehhh..

    Kemaren sempet ke china town beli jeruk buat ii...temen mami..'
    wah jeruk mandarin mini nya kecil2 ..orange2...enak sekali!!!
    ampe beli 2 kilo..!!! huaahh..
    udah gitu ramee banget! sampe desak2 an...
    pada beli kue2 cina...jeruk2..buah2...manisan2...
    aduhh seru bangettt!!! lai lai se kuai se kuai....
    dengan lantang para penjual menjajakan dagangannya..
    actrees actor pun pada berdatangan.....
    terlihat lampu2 laser bergambarkan shio2....
    panggung penuh lampu dan kerlap kerlip nuansa merah..
    oriental sekali..sayang gak bawa kamera...

    tapi yahhh.... ginian pasti tiap tahun ada...
    Singaporeee!! YOU GOO!!! hahaah

    senang juga kalo liat gini2an di singapore...serasa ada di beijing..shanghaii...belon perna sichh.heheh

    tadi mengundang onecangku makan dirumah....
    Hehe...masak ayam goreng mentega... baby kailan cah garlic n oyster sauce, mapo tofu!
    Hueee....meskipun coba2...tapi berasa enak jg yaahh gak onecang..heheh
    HABIS LUDES semuanya...nyamnyam...
    padahal i think tadi porsinya bisa makan 7 orang tuchhh..heheh tapi cukup kenyang lah buat ber5...plus ko rey..ci har..dan iie ku...
    sayang juga gak dipoto masakanya..hahahaha...

    Udah akhh....
    Happy prosperous new year again!!!
    Im gonna miss all my friend nih yang bakalan pegi...
    Esp ******* huhuhu...
    kuai tian hui lai yahh...
    xiang ni le!!!!

    Gbu ALl....

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    Gong xi Gong Xi


    posted by anitahartono at 11:44 PM



    Monday, January 23, 2006

    Hari rabu last week ada dinner with my x colleagues...sekalian kenalan sama yang gantiin aku di FLOPrints....

    Seru jg udah lama ngga ketemu sama mereka...poto2 banyak bener sampe seakan2 gak ketemu lagi ajah...heheheh...tapi it was fun....


    Michelle: Marketing Executive...

    Dia ini senior ku yang ajarin aku dan temen2in aku kalo ada appointment sama client di bulan pertama... Orangnya baik..kecil dan lucu...
    Dewasa sekali cara berpikirnya...orangnya selalu tampil baik di muka client..sangat sabar dan pengertian... KEcil2 gini she is on DIET!! can u believe it...!?!?!? aku gak ngerti deh kenapa orang singapore itu dah kurus kering...teteppp ajah mau diettt!!?!?
    Trademark: Hi Cassandra...michelle HOR!!!! hahaha *(michelle u shd understand this!!! hehehe)

    YunFen: SHe is my designer...

    Yunfen ini so cuteee...and funny...She is nice...baik sekali dan suka kasih suggestion. Orangnya open banget dan sangat menghargai waktu dan kerjaanya...dia even bisa skip lunch, dateng pagi banget..pulang malem banget kalo kerjaanya belon selesai...wow...workalcholic Yunfen!!!! Designnya bagus...Subjective...has her own style!
    Thanks for your help along my time in floprints Yunfen...
    Lups u heaps!!! muaccccchh

    Lynn: Mock Up Maker!!!!

    Wahh....i think dia bisa buka toko box2 sendiri dechh..box2nya dia bagus sekali..bikinannya rapih...dan orangnya teliti dan expert banget...eventhough she is young...tapi dia banyak experiences for some hotels di singapore...untuk box2 mereka....Lynn is very soft hearted and cool..Preety...fair...and funny sometimes...
    THanks Lynn for worried about me that day....luv u..muachmuach

    Kiat: The statue IT guy!!!

    Orang ini...DIeeeemm bangettt....
    kaya patung...kalo ngomong ama dia cuman ada perlunya aja..abis bingung gimana...
    padahal duduknya sebelahan...hahaha...
    tapi he is a nice guy and mama guy i think...
    tapi dia jago ITnya...meski orangnya ga gitu inisiatif untuk membantu..tapi yah ok lah..daripada gak ada...ahhahahaa...kiddin a Kiat....
    Thanks 4 ur support for my kompie and programs...hahah

    Janet...ga dateng...she is one of my good colleague jg...bagian admin..hiks, miss her so much...

    Zerlina: Kewl dan heboh!!!!!
    Dia ini orang yang replace my position in FLoPrints...
    Hate the B**s so much!!! hahaha...
    Its ok to hate him Zer!!! He is deserved that!!!!

    Finally..here are some pictures!!!

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    All of us...

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    The Girls...

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    Me, Zer, Michelle

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    Yun Fen...Me..A Kiat

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    Ughh,,...she kissed me!!!!

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    All of us with oriental decorations...

    Thanks alot Guys...Im gonna miss you alot!!!
    God bless!!

    posted by anitahartono at 10:45 AM



    Thursday, January 19, 2006

    Sambil mengisi waktu luang..menunggu masuk kerja tanggal 6 feb...baginilah nasib ku..belajar menjadi seorang ibu yang baik...
    Merawat baby..memakaikan baju..belajar kasi minum susu dan kasi mamam...ngajak main...sampai memakaikan popok...too early huh???

    Not really...

    Banyak belajar sih setelah ada baby dirumah...belajar banget...dan jadi mengerti banget susahnya mengurus anak...

    Baby yang udah mulai mau 6 bulan..tenaganya gede bangett!! bisa tendang2..udah belajar ngerangkak...dan bisa senyum2 juga...kalo dipoto adaaa aja gayanya..bisa liat kamera lagihhh...hahah

    Karena gak ada kerjaanya..si baby aku dandanin...nih liatt..pinter kan baby bear kuuuu...huhuhu...banyak gayaaa...

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    Baby jadi Nahkoda....

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    Baby gaya goyang pantat...

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    Bajak Laut HAppy Banget!!

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    Ughh senyumnyaa..gak kuku....

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    Look at here darling!!!

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    BAby bantuin bebersih rumah...

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    Hello om dan tante....!!

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    Begaya dulu akh...gak ada tampang narapidana kahn??

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    Aduh gatel kuping baby...

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    wahh...baby ngilerrr....huaaa

    posted by anitahartono at 11:32 PM



    Monday, January 16, 2006

    Love is Childish...
    we...ourself is childish...
    when we love some one...
    We gonna be childish...

    Isnt it true?

    I dont know...
    because...when i loved some one...
    I'd never realised that i was childish...
    I was only think...
    All i wanna do is...just the best for him...
    Without realising...
    Maybe he doesnt like that...
    because...when i did that...i become so childish...
    Maybe in his heart..he said 'I know what im suppose to do...'
    I want the best for him...yet I want the best for myself too...
    without i realised...
    Im sorry for that...

    When you say that you are matured...
    That is the moment...that you are so childish...

    Loving some one is about a decision...
    How you want to grow your feelings...
    You..yourself is the one who have your own heart...
    believe me..that you can control your feelings...

    I dont know how does it feels...
    when you totally lost...
    You cant control your feelings....
    I guess...i forgot about it...
    or actually just...i never feels that way...

    Being childish...
    some how is great....
    coz u gonna forget all your pride...

    I forgot...how to be childish...
    yet...I am childish...
    But...I never know...

    People changes....Life changes...
    We become a new person...
    Maybe...I am different now...
    just trying to be myself...
    not to please everyone...
    I want to be happy...
    eventhough..you judge me...that I am ChilDish...

    * Few days ago...one woman said this statement to me, " Anita..I believe that even diamonds..cant buy your heart.."
    And I am proud to hear that... ;p

    posted by anitahartono at 10:50 PM



    Thursday, January 12, 2006

    My Lovely Sam-Soon

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    **Cast - Hyun Bin and Kim Sun Ah**

    "Life is like a box of chocolates"

    Have you ever watched a series that made you feel good about yourself after watching it? Do you know someone who is a fast talker, movie buff, drinker, funny, strong, feisty and a pastry lover? Well, if yes, maybe it's Kim Sam Soon (KSS).

    The series is so unique that you can't predict what will happen next. The emotional substance of the story is surreal, beacause it can play with your emotion in a right way, which is good because most series tend to stay in one genre, like when it's drama, it would stay that way until the end and the viewers will get tired watching the series. But in Kim Sam Soon there is comedy, drama and a lot more.

    One thing I liked about KSS is that the story is well-written and fast paced. I was hooked to the series because the storyline was great and that Sam Soon's character was a masterpiece. I can say that this series really have a great quality. The story's sincerity is what makes it a must-see, the roles are well portrayed and the story's lightness makes it easy to follow.

    The story revolves around Kim Sam Soon a 30-year-old pastry chef who devotes her life to finding someone whom she will spend the rest of her life with. Sam Soon aims to have a husband, and her own shop and it seems that fate is on her side. She meets a guy 3 years her junior who asks her to pose as his girlfriend and she accepts the part because of some personal reasons. Sam Shik (the guy) even hires her to be the pastry chef in his restaurant, but how can their relationship work when they can't stand each other?

    What I love most about the story is Sam Soon's character. She lets people see her cry, she lets them know what's on her mind and she stays strong and true to herself no matter what. Kim Sun Ah (Kim Sam Soon) did her best to do the role and I commend her for that. She acted as if she really was Kim Sam Soon, you can see it in her eyes; and her emotions will take you away.

    In the story Hyun Bin's role (Sam Shik) is childish, arrogant and insensitive, which by the way fitted him well, but when it comes to love he doesn't seem to know what to do with his feelings and how to show them to someone he really loves.

    What's funny about this series is the continous arguments and bickering of the two main characters. Sam Soon always gives Sam Shik an explanation about everything and he will oppose and will do something to hurt her and she will do the same and that will turn into comedy. But what makes it funnier is her imaginations and when she talks to herself, one line she always uses is "What to do?" whenever she's in fright. And finally, Sam Soon's continuous battle to change her name to "Kim Hae Jin"; Sam Soon's name is a rustic Korean name that most people would not want to have, as it means "farmlike or farmer", and "Sam" means 3rd because she is the 3rd daughter of a miller! But in the end… will she change her name?

    "Let's love like we've never been hurt before.
    Let's love like we've never been hurt before...
    Let's dance like no one is praising us...
    Let's love like we've never been hurt before...
    Let's sing like no one's listening to us....
    Let's work like we dont need money for it...
    Let's live like today is doomsday...
    Let's love like we've never been hurt before..."

    After watching the series I've learned appreciate things around me and that Sam Soon's life beacame more familiar to me. The series has given me hope, faith, and courage to face life, just like what Sam Soon did. The story is easy to love and that as you continue to follow the story, no matter how old you are you can relate to Kim Sam Soon. You might think over her philosophy in life and how she deals with day to day problems; she would only walk straight and face the trials and she never gave up on love. The series will give you the warmth no K-drama has given you before. Its humble setting will make you remember it for the rest of your life.

    Well well...
    baru aja abisini 16 vcd My Lovely Sam Soon...
    Pemainnya itu gak cantik..gak langsing...gak modis..gak pinter...
    kelebihanya cuman bisa bikin kue....

    Tapi...kisahnya sangat lucu..romantis...dan banyak banget lika likunya
    tapi cw ini bener2 nekat...berani...dan sangat energetic...
    lucu banget liatin gaya2nya...
    dan ceritanya sangat simple..dan touching....

    SHouLd Watch...
    dan pemain utama cowonya...
    Acting and expressionnya BAGUS banget!!!!
    kasih 5 jempols for HYeoN BIN..!!!!

    Image hosted by Photobucket.com

    Baru pertama kali liat dia sih..
    tapi bagus banget actingnya...
    bisa bikin orang deg2an gitu ngeliatinnya..
    huhuhu...keren keren....

    ( i think this is my first time i admire korean actor karena acting dan expresi mukanya yang bener2 COOL!!!) Kalo dia ketawa...kayanya kita bisa jadi ikutan tersenyum..kalo dia marah..kayanya kok hati deg2an takut sekali...
    and kalo dia terkejut..expresi mukanya itu bisa sama dari scene 1 dan scene yang lain! GREAT!! awesome!!!!


    Kalo dipikir2..dan dilihat2...
    korea bener2 maju dalam memenangkan hati setiap anak2 muda...(cewe terutama) dan ibu2...
    Kalo udah namanya terkenal 1 film...ibu2 dan kita2 gak akan ragu untuk spend so many times sampe gak tidur...karena keseruan nonton film drama korea..
    Ngga jarang juga yang bisa ketawa ngakak2 sampe nangis ngeliatin ke polosan dan ke imutan acting2 bintang korea itu...

    Kalo dibandingin sama sinetron indo...gile jAUhhhhh bNgett!!! apalagi singapore...huaahhh.....

    Kenapa bisa begitu yachh???
    kemaren ke korea liat shooting buat one of drama lagi..entah drama atau movie...
    gileee peralatanya canggih bener...duh sayang koko anton belon transfer poto2nya..
    ntar deh...gak seru kalo diceritain tentang korea tapi gak ada potonya...
    pokoke...KOREA is AWESOME!!!!!

    JAdi pengen belajar bahasa korea....heheh anyong haseyooo....

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    posted by anitahartono at 12:05 AM



    Friday, January 06, 2006

    Jakarta's Story...(Part-1)

    Well Well..kemaren ini sempet sminggu di jkt...
    Emang holiday sichh....
    Terus..secara sangat kebetulan...ada 2 orang temen yang udah BUJU GILE lamanya gak ketemu...
    yakni Mini from UK
    and Keke from US...
    And we came to Jakarta at the same day..but different time and flights...hehehe..
    on 15th December...

    lalu..kita ber3 ketemuan..saling kangen2an...dan banyak banget poto2..
    rencananya sich mau poto studio...
    tapi berhubung waktunya mepet banget...akhirnya kita poto2 sendiri deh pake kamera manuall...huhu sedih banget gak sih..mana jadinya burem2...huhu....

    Lalu lalu...pas tanggal 17th nya tuh ada wedding temen sma...
    GIle.....cepet banget yah waktu berlalu..persaan dulu masih suka bolos2...beli mie or nasi medan di depan skul...loncat pager..kabur pas pelajaran kosong...di strap gara2 telat masuk skul...nyontek2 PR pagi2..haha kalo dipikir2 bandel jg yah aku dulu....terus sering ngobrol sama temen sebAngku..sampe di suru pidato di depan..hauhaua (inget gak FUN?!?!)

    Kalo dipikir2..dulu kayanya masih jaman sweet 17th deh..sekarang dah pada kasih kartu undangan...BUSET...kapan ya giliran gue?? huahauhau coming soon!!!

    Anyway...here is the pic...
    Ke...lo lgs save dr sini aja yaaa....kirim nya lama..hehehe...

    Jakarta...kangenin jg....meski macet...ribeet...panas...tapi jakarta tetap kotaku...

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    With Minie

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    With keke

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    Christine's wedding with high school friends....

    posted by anitahartono at 2:24 AM



    Wednesday, January 04, 2006

    Masak Bubur...

    Wahh...udah lama juga nita ga masak bubur...
    Kalo dupu pas masih jadi student di perth....
    MAasakan fav nya bubur..apalagi kalo lagi exam...winter..plus bokek...bubur memang menjadi pilihan yang paling tepat!!!!!

    Berhubung lagi ada orang sakit yang mau dimasakin bubur... (**BIIIPPP**)
    Akhirnya terjadilah pemasakan bubur kembali..pertama kali di singapore..setelah aku for good dari Perth..hahaha...
    KAli ini kayanya agak2 beda sichh..soalnya dengan penuh perhatian mondar mandir aduk2 sampe kecipratan2...
    karena pancinya gak ada yang teflon bawahnya..jadi buburnya ga bisa di tinggal deh..harus terus di perhatikan..kalo dah kering harus di airin..kalo nga..ntar bisa muncrat2 kena kompor...kalo kebanyakan air harus di perhatiin..kalo nga ntar meluap semua...jadi harus PASS pokoke....

    Tandanya dia mateng itu sebenrnya pas udah meletok2 kena tangan yang masak..sampe tangan yang masak melepuh!! haha...tapi ive been trying to menghindar...tapi yah itu lah TRADISI nya masak bubur..belon kena tangan..belon TOPQUALITY bubur oF NIThoiii haha...

    WEhhhh..GAsnya abis tiba2!!!! hiks..pantesan dari tadi kok kaga mendidih2...hiks padahal dah stengah jalan...barusan iie ku baru order gas..moga2 abangnya cepet deh anterinnya..kalo nga temenku itu bisa pengsan kelaperan nungguinnya..hahaha..SABAR YAAA!!!!

    Yaudah deh..lagi kasi mimi BABY nich....lagi rewel diaaa....

    Have a blessed day everyone....


    posted by anitahartono at 3:55 PM



    Sunday, January 01, 2006

    Happy new year everyone!!! Tahun baru...semangat baru....dan hidup baru...

    Thats what ive expected since awal desember 2005...
    Pingin banget mengalami yang namanya REVIVAL dalam kehidupan pribadiku sendiri..
    menjadi seorang wanita yang berbeda dari yang lainnya...
    Mungkin pengalaman natal dan tahun baru ku...tidak seperti yang ku bayangkan dan harapkan...
    (THANks to Osco yang dah men CUAP2in aku dengan sooo many advices!!!)
    TApi yah...mungkin TUhan ingin mengajarku..untuk melihat kehidupan ini..dan arti kebahagiaan dari sisi yang berbeda...
    mungkin jauh berbeda dari apa yang pernah aku pikirkan....
    TErkadang sebagai manusia..kita susah banget nerima dan mengerti tentang hal ini...
    sampai hari ini pun...aku tak mengerti..mengapa bisa begini...mengapa bisa begitu??
    seharusnya ini begini..dan begitu...
    Malam natalku....
    Aku ingin banget kebaktian natal bersama keluarga di jkt...
    isn't it a very simple wish?!?!
    tapi itu pun...aku tak mendapatkanya...
    banyak hal yang terjadi di luar kontrol ku...
    kalau aku bisa...apapun akan kulakukan agar aku bisa kebaktian natal bersama keluargaku....
    tapi yah..mungkin Tuhan belum mengijinkannya...hingga akhirnya aku pun kebaktian natal di rumah bersama RCTI....
    tapi yah aku bersyukur sekali masih memiliki keluarga yang lengkap dan sayang padaku... setelah dipikir2 rasanya itu sudah cukup bagiku...

    Malam Tahun baruku...
    Di korea...seoul..Myong Dong..
    tempat nongkrongnya anak2 muda bergaya di korea...
    jalanan begitu ramai..lampu...lagu natal...dengan winter style...sedikit puing2 salju...sungguh indah!!!
    Hari ini aku mencoba snack2 traditional jalanan di pinggir2..yang kaya di TV2 tuchh..yang ditusuk2 terus kita cocol...makan rame2 sambil berdiri di pinggir gerobaknya..ternyata ENAKKK!!!!! huhu sampe mau lagiiii...tapi coba2 yang lain jg sich hehe...poto2nya nanti deh di uploadnya yahh..sabar sabar...hehehe..
    pokoknya seruuu...terus juga tadi ke etude House...wahh banyak banget alat2 kosmetik disana..emang lebih mura dari di indo sich...tapi bisa bangkrut deh kalo lama2 disana...mending begitu dapet yang diperluin..langsung ngacir keluar...eheheh...
    Yahhh disini orang melepas malam tahun baru dengan minum2..sampe pagi...
    seru jg keliatanya..
    tapi aku sih minum segelas jg udah pusing kali...ahahah harus LATIHAN nich!!!
    Malam ini kembali aku merenungi...apa yang ingin aku lakukan di hari2 kedepan...
    Tuhannn...aku ga bisa jalan sendirian untuk taun depan...
    seems so many great things will happen in my life...but i will not close any chance if there is a good opportunity for me to try a new things!!!! fiuhh so Excited!!!

    Tomorrow will be a starting day of my EXPLORATION YEAR!!!
    I want to be ready!!!!
    So...Are you ready to achieve your dreams in 2006???
    All the best everyone!!!
    Let us be the light for the world...

    God bless you all

    NB Thanks for all friends who keep on supporting me till now....many things happened last year..but i regret nothing...

    ROme 8:28 (still being my favourite verse of the year!!1 haha)

    Luv U all!!!!

    *sambil menunggu poto2 di korea...pake poto2 christmas season di SIngapore aJa deh ya...hehehhe*

    Happy Holiday Everyone!!!

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    Me and Onecang...

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    ME and Cha2

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    Hard rock Cafe...Yahh gA ada kenny...

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    Alone at orchard...

    posted by anitahartono at 4:22 AM

